یک جایی هست توی رمان Less که آرتور و دوستش دارن از رابطهی خوبِ طولانی مدتی که به تازگی تموم شده حرف میزنن و من بارها و بارها بهش برگشتم تا یادم بیاد پایان، ولو پایان یک اتفاق خوب، لزوما قرار نیست تراژیک باشه.
"But you broke up with him. Something's wrong. Something failed."
"No! No Arthur, no, it's the opposite! I'm saying it's a success. Twenty years of joy and support and friendship, that's a success. If a band stays together twenty years , it's a miracle. If a comedy duo stays together twenty years, they're a triumph. Is this night a failure because it will end in an hour? Is the sun a failure because it's going to end in a billion years? No, it's the fucking sun. Why does a marriage not count?"